Licensing PERCH in Bruker Software
To run PERCH's NMR Software Tools within Bruker Software you need a Flexlm license from Bruker.
For the Automated Consistency Analysis (ACA) you also need a PERCH license (see below).
Licensing PERCH outside Bruker Software
To run PERCH's NMR Software Tools outside Bruker Software you need a license from PERCH Solutions.
To request a license please run REGPERCH.EXE (in the PERCH directory), fill the license request form and send the request to: PERCH
When you have received the license key (within 1-2 business days) please restart REGPERCH.EXE and paste the complete key including the -start- and -end- tags into the upcoming dialog box.
Licensing Problems?
If the license manager does not open please install the additional libraries.
If the license manager cannot open your default mail client, please e-mail the file LICINFO.TXT from your PERCH directory.